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  # 1 of 14 ------ lib_e_g.htm --- score: 157 ------


 Syntax:      x2 = floor(x1)

 Description: Return the greatest integer less than or equal to x1. (Round down
              to an integer.)

 Comments:    This function may be applied to an atom or to all elements of a


              y = floor({0.5, -1.6, 9.99, 100})
              -- y is {0, -2, 9, 100}
 See Also:    remainder
  # 2 of 14 ------ library.htm --- score: 157 ------


 Syntax:      x2 = floor(x1)

 Description: Return the greatest integer less than or equal to x1. (Round down
              to an integer.)

 Comments:    This function may be applied to an atom or to all elements of a


              y = floor({0.5, -1.6, 9.99, 100})
              -- y is {0, -2, 9, 100}
 See Also:    remainder
  # 3 of 14 ------ perform.htm --- score: 130 ------
        x + 1      -- faster than general x + y
        1 + x      -- faster than general y + x
        x * 2      -- faster than general x * y
        2 * x      -- faster than general y * x
        x / 2      -- faster than general x / y
        floor(x/y) -- where x and y are integers, is faster than x/y
        floor(x/2) -- faster than floor(x/y)

 x below is a simple variable, y is any variable or expression:

  # 4 of 14 ------ trouble.htm --- score: 107 ------
 S:   Intel CPU's, and most other CPU's, use binary numbers to represent
      fractions. Decimal fractions such as 0.1, 0.01 and similar numbers can't
      be represented precisely. For example, 0.1 might be stored internally as
      0.0999999999999999. That means that 10 * 0.1 might come out as
      0.999999999999999, and floor(10 * 0.1) might be 0, not 1 as you'd expect.
      This can be a nuisance when you are dealing with money calculations, but
      it's not a Euphoria problem. It's a general problem that you must face in
      most programming languages. Always remember: floating-point numbers are
      just an approximation to the "real" numbers in mathematics. Assume that
      any floating-point calculation might have a tiny bit of error in the
      result. Sometimes you can solve the problem by rounding, e.g. x = floor(x
      + 0.5) would round x off to the nearest integer. Storing money values as
      an integer number of pennies, rather than a fractional number of dollars
      (or similar currency) will help, but some calculations could still cause
  # 5 of 14 ------ library.htm --- score: 78 ------
 floor           - round down to the nearest integer

 remainder       - calculate the remainder when a number is divided by another

 power           - calculate a number raised to a power

 PI              - the mathematical value PI (3.14159...)
  # 6 of 14 ------ lib_p_r.htm --- score: 78 ------
 See Also:    floor


 Syntax:      s = repeat(x, a)

  # 7 of 14 ------ library.htm --- score: 78 ------
 floor           - round down to the nearest integer

 remainder       - calculate the remainder when a number is divided by another

 power           - calculate a number raised to a power

 PI              - the mathematical value PI (3.14159...)
  # 8 of 14 ------ library.htm --- score: 78 ------
 See Also:    floor


 Syntax:      s = repeat(x, a)

  # 9 of 14 ------ refman.htm --- score: 78 ------
         return x  -- trivial case
     end if

     mid = floor(n/2)
     a = merge_sort(x[1..mid])       -- sort first half of x
     b = merge_sort(x[mid+1..n])     -- sort second half of x

     -- merge the two sorted halves into one
  # 10 of 14 ------ refman_1.htm --- score: 78 ------
         return x  -- trivial case
     end if

     mid = floor(n/2)
     a = merge_sort(x[1..mid])       -- sort first half of x
     b = merge_sort(x[mid+1..n])     -- sort second half of x

     -- merge the two sorted halves into one
  # 11 of 14 ------ lib_h_o.htm --- score: 77 ------
              end if
 See Also:    atom, sequence, floor


 Syntax:      i = length(s)
  # 12 of 14 ------ library.htm --- score: 77 ------
              end if
 See Also:    atom, sequence, floor


 Syntax:      i = length(s)
  # 13 of 14 ------ refman.htm --- score: 77 ------
        s[$][1..floor($/2)] -- first half of the last element of s

 2.2.7 Concatenation of Sequences and Atoms - The '&' Operator

 Any two objects may be concatenated using the & operator. The result is a
  # 14 of 14 ------ refman_2.htm --- score: 77 ------
        s[$][1..floor($/2)] -- first half of the last element of s

 2.2.7 Concatenation of Sequences and Atoms - The '&' Operator

 Any two objects may be concatenated using the & operator. The result is a


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