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matched 234 of 2190 entries - displaying the best 100

WIN Win32Lib 1961K Win32Lib Team Jun 17/08 this program has happy users! 180.45 click here to update this entry
This is the current version that includes documentation and lots of small example programs. Most Euphoria GUI programs for Windows depend on this library. First released several years ago by David Cuny, Win32Lib is now being developed as a group effort. You can add win32lib.ew and related include files to your euphoria\include directory, but it's better if you create an EUINC environment variable, and point it to the include directory of Win32Lib. To complete your installation you should get Judith Evan's Enhanced IDE. Jun 17: v0.70.4a: bug fixes (xControl, setMousePointer()...) and a couple enhancements (isDropped(), getRect() works on menus,...)
WIN win32lib7 for Phix 10000KChrisBurch3 Dec 19/16   click here to update this entry
This is an updated Win32lib 0.70.4 for Phix 0.7.1 (+). Drop into the Phix Demo folder. Includes all the Win32lib demo programs. Named as win32lib7 to differentiate from the win32lib6 included with Phix.
WIN (Old) Win32Lib: WIN32 Library with Demos 260KDavid Cuny Feb 19/99 this program has happy users! 56.40 click here to update this entry
David's original library for creating WIN32 GUI programs. With a small amount of simple Euphoria code, you can add a variety of Windows user-interface elements to your program. Documentation plus lots of small demo programs are included. Note: People are now using the new Win32Lib
WIN Gateway to Win32Lib Examples 14KDan Moyer Sep 9/00 this program has happy users! 0.85 click here to update this entry
This program lists demos of Win32Lib, and lets the user run or look at them. It also gives access to the Euphoria manual, the Win32Lib manual, Wolfgang Fritz's Tutorial (if present), and an FAQ for Win32Lib. Note: An improved version of this program is now bundled with Win32Lib
WIN Patched version of Win32Lib.ew 154KMartin Stachon Dec 14/01 this program has happy users! 1.00 click here to update this entry
This is a temporary patched version of Win32Lib.ew (just that file) version 0.55.1. It has some bug fixes that Martin put in, plus a few fixes that Derek Parnell provided on the mailing list. It will be obsolete soon when Derek has a major new release of Win32Lib. If you haven't downloaded Win32Lib before, you can get the full package from here. See also Judith's Enhanced IDE. Dec 14: made it more compatible with older versions
WIN Modified IDE 19KDan Moyer Nov 23/00 this program has happy users! 1.00 click here to update this entry
A modification of an old version of Judith Evan's enhanced IDE. It gives you the ability to "auto-paste" the general form of any Euphoria or Win32Lib routine into your program. Works with Win32Lib v0.50, and IDE v0.9k5. A batch file is provided to switch between the original and the modification. Note: this mod, and the rest of the IDE, must be in a Win32Lib folder to access the Win32Lib html help, and to run the WinDemos program to see all the Win32Lib examples. Nov 23: specific help for any selected routine
WIN Win32Lib Restructured for Eu3 3064KJean-Marc DURO Dec 2/17   click here to update this entry
Win32Lib restructured for Euphoria 3, with only 5 include files instead of 37 and no cross calls between include files to improve maintainability and avoid namespace annoyances. Fully compatible with official Win32Lib 0.70.20. - v3.1.4 - Bug corrections - Needs the new Eu3 Standard Library (v1.0.5).
WIN Win32LibEx 147KMatthew Lewis Aug 21/00 this program has happy users! 3.25 click here to update this entry
Some major extensions to David Cuny's Win32Lib that let you use List views, Tree views, Rich Edit, Find/Replace and List box GUI elements. Aug 19: MonthControl; UpDown; ComboBoxEx; image lists now support xpm, eubmp and DIB formats; updated documentation. Aug 21: minor bug fix. Note: most of this is now part of New Win32Lib.
WIN Win32Lib Restructured 1882KJean-Marc DURO Nov 2/14   click here to update this entry
Win32Lib restructured for OpenEuphoria 4 and up, with only 5 include files instead of 37 and no cross call between include files to improve maintainability and avoid namespace annoyances. Fully compatible with official Win32Lib 0.70.20. Examples have been updated. Next step is to replace global routines by public routines. Release 2: removed unused functions, cleaned the code. See changes.log.
WIN Win32Lib Keyword Lookup 3KAndrew Hall Aug 7/04 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
A command-line utility for looking up a Win32Lib keyword (function, procedure, constant, etc.). Requires Win32Lib 0.59.1 or higher. Can be used to provide instant context help in editors that support user-defined tools (Crimson, ConTEXT, TextPad, etc.).
WIN Port of the Win32lib to support old versions of Windows 2KShawn Pringle B.Sc. Oct 21/07   click here to update this entry
This patch, which requires the GNU (patch/diff) package, can be applied to the latest distributed win32lib package 0.70.1. It will continue to work with Windows XP machines, the only change is that programs can run on all versions of Windows after 3.1. To use this patch get into the directory above your winlib32 wrapper directory, rename your winlib32 wrapper directory to 007001, put a copy of this patch in that directory, and execute:· patch -p0 < win32lib_0_70_1forW9X.diff
WIN Win32lib for Euphoria 4.0 beta 409KMike Jan 26/10   click here to update this entry
Here is a conversion of Win32lib to run under the latest version of Euphoria. The conversion was not perfect so some minor changes to your apps will inevitably be required. He was not able to get Judith's IDE to run, as an interpreted app, with it. However, you can use Andy Drummond's excellent bound version of the IDE to develop Win32lib apps. Please send details of any improvements to the forum.
WIN Tutor2 1590KFred Mangan Feb 26/16   click here to update this entry
This is Wolfritz's old Win32Lib tutorial, with instructional code and demo programs' code modified to run under Euphoria 4 + Win32Lib. Place the Tutor2 folder in your Win32Lib folder and run file WinTutor.exw or Tutor.exe. Many things that were a 'problem' for Wolfritz and needed special coding are now quite easy to do with new commands in Win32Lib. Even so, I have as far as possible NOT re-written Wolfritz's tutorial, because it often provides insights into how the API actually works.
DOS DOS32Lib: DOS32 Library with Demos 104KDavid Cuny Jun 1/99 this program has happy users! 2.95 click here to update this entry
The DOS32 version of his popular Win32Lib GUI Library. Most of the demos in his original Win32Lib package will run under DOS, if you simply include dos32lib.e instead of win32lib.ew. Dos32Lib is now lagging somewhat behind his current Win32Lib. June 1: added createDIB
WIN GetTime routine patch 1KShawn Pringle Oct 24/07   click here to update this entry
The GetTime routines crash. This patch, orders the internal calls in the win32lib.ew library. Temporarily rename your win32lib directory to 007001sp and do: "patch -p0 007001sp < win32lib-007001-GetTime.diff" to patch.
LNX LLama/GTK Enhancements 433KJ. Brown Sep 24/02 this program has happy users! 1.00 click here to update this entry
He's breathing life into David Cuny's old Llama project. It works under Linux, FreeBSD (theoretically), and Win32 (incomplete). Sep 24: more Win32Lib compatible, includes documentation for Win32Lib and GTK (for use by co-developers), and has changed goals from being a clone of Win32Lib for Linux, to a Win32Lib-like cross-platform widget library.
GEN Porting from win32lib to wxEuphoria 10KJean-Marc DURO May 13/15   click here to update this entry
A small cheat sheet to help porting win32lib-based programs to wxEuphoria and gain portability.
WIN Win32Lib Dll Example 512KLogan Kodysz May 23/06 this program has happy users! 0.70 click here to update this entry
He compiled Win32Lib into a dynamic link library (.dll) and used a Euphoria program to call that same library (win32lib.dll). Demo included.
WIN Win32Lib Tutorials 168KWolfgang Fritz and Ad Rienks Apr 15/02 this program has happy users! 2.50 click here to update this entry
A nice series of tutorials for Win32Lib. The link takes you to their tutorial Web site. Apr 15: 7 new lessons, 9 new program examples. Updated for latest Win32Lib.
WIN For migrating to a newer Win32lib 1KShawn Aug 14/05   click here to update this entry
This file contains some instructions and a regular expression you can use with jedit to change all of your functions, procedures and identifiers used from Win32lib from the old form to the new. So that when newer versions of Win32lib come out your program will still work.
WIN Enhanced IDE 731KJudith Evans Jul 27/08 this program has happy users! 201.75 click here to update this entry
A greatly-enhanced version of David Cuny's original Interactive Development Environment for Win32Lib. The IDE lets you easily design a Windows user interface, and attach pieces of Euphoria code that will be executed when GUI elements are clicked by your user. A complete Euphoria program is generated for you. Includes a companion stand-alone editor. Win32lib 0.70.4a or later is required. German and French language support is available. (Anyone who wishes to submit a translation update or new translation is welcome to do so. Judith can host it on Sourceforge or you can submit it to the Recent Contributions Page.) Jul 27: ListView Styles Explorer and winlibscan rewritten, many improvements.
WIN Win32Lib Wizard Collection 20KSpocky Mar 17/00   click here to update this entry
A tool that creates various objects for use with Win32Lib. Mar 17: updated for use with latest Win32Lib.
WIN wdemos 25KFred Mangan Feb 26/16   click here to update this entry
This is Dan Moyer's 2000 "Gateway" Tutorial for Win32Lib, updated to run under Euphoria 4 + Win32Lib. Put the wdemos folder in your Win32Lib folder. You may have to change the coding of some of the file paths used in program WDEMOS.EXW to make the "Gateway" work fully on your system. Fred has altered it as little as possible, though he has completed answers to some questions in Dan's FAQ.html.
WIN Common libraries modified to avoid namespace errors 1856KJean-Marc DURO Oct 18/14   click here to update this entry
Unofficial Win32Lib modified with new include statements to avoid namespace errors (routines declared twice or more) with Openeuphoria 4 and up. He also had to modify include statements in Eucom, EIcmplib and IPC to get it work with this modified version of Win32Lib. There is still a drawback to these changes: Tbrowse does not work anymore with the modified version of Eucom (one remaining error he couldn't find).
WIN Basic Win32Lib App 311KTone Skoda Mar 4/08   click here to update this entry
A basic Win32Lib application that you can extend. Several things common to many apps have been set up for you. It also uses an EDS database. Mar 4: Uploaded to RDS site
WIN Shell Link 18KShawn Aug 14/05   click here to update this entry
He had problems using shell link on the newer Win32lib 006005. The newer Win32lib.ew has different file names and so the include in the existing shell link package does not work. This modified version has been adjusted to work with all versions of Win32lib.
WIN Resource Utility for WIN32LIB 765KBernie Ryan Jan 23/06 this program has happy users! 5.50 click here to update this entry
A utility for converting a Windows .RES resource file into a Euphoria include file for use with Win32Lib. Ver. 8.25 Jan 23: RCDATA added global function that returns uncompressed sequence as requested by user.
WIN Win32lib Custom GUI 108KH.W. Overman Jun 18/05 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
Shows how to easily create a Custom GUI using Win32lib.
WIN DDE Library 4KMatthew Lewis Jan 9/01   click here to update this entry
A library that adds DDE capability to Win32Lib. You'll probably need the New Win32Lib. He has included a small client-server demo.
WIN Very Simple Printing with Win32lib 929KFred Ransom May 27/11   click here to update this entry
This is a very simple example of printing with Win32Lib. It shows the basic processes separated into methods. It's for anyone who wants a simple sample multi-page print job.
WIN Extra routines offered for win32lib 19KArthur Crump Oct 7/10   click here to update this entry
Find Windows special folders, choose a root folder and an initial folder in a dialog box to select a directory. In a dialog box to get a SaveFileName, change the file-type when selecting a filter. Requires Euphoria version 4 and Win32Lib.
WIN EuGrid Grid Control v1.3.4 120KPhil Russell Mar 17/08 this program has happy users! 32.00 click here to update this entry
Support for grid controls with Win32Lib: multiple controls; no size limits; in-place editing of data; columns and rows can be created, changed and deleted at runtime; select font, color and text alignment; cells can be individually formatted. Support for text, list, checkbox, button and picture cells. Documentation and sample programs included. Mar 17: Updated for compatibility with Win32lib 0.7.*
WIN Colored buttons for Win32lib apps 49KJudith Evans Jul 9/08 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
Add the feature Microsoft forgot! This very easy to use include file, v0.1.15, will add and manage colored buttons; color, press color, caption color, press caption color, graphics, font, hints and more. All button classes supported. Package supplies demo exw file and help docs. Jul 9: This release introduces rotated caption, elliptical, circular and roundedRectangular buttons.
WIN COM Library 746KMatthew Lewis Oct 10/07 this program has happy users! 26.50 click here to update this entry
EuCOM allows Euphoria programs to use COM objects, and can turn a Win32lib-based application into an ActiveX container. Demos are included which show how to use ActiveX controls. Oct 10: v2.08: Bug fix, win32lib v0.70 compatibility fixes
WIN Easy Design Tool for Win32Lib 65KJacques Deschenes Jan 26/99 this program has happy users! 1.50 click here to update this entry
a visual tool for generating the code you need to call Win32Lib. His tool is written entirely in Euphoria, and is already quite sophisticated. He based it on David Cuny's design.exw.
WIN FastMenu for Win32Lib 3Kcklester Oct 21/04   click here to update this entry
A quick and easy menu builder for Win32Lib. Replaces the use of create(Menu...) and create(MenuItem...). More details at FastMenu Home Page. Oct 21: Now works correctly with Popup menus.
WIN Win32Lib + OpenGL Demos 100Kcklester Jul 27/04   click here to update this entry
Code that demonstrates how to use OpenGL with Win32Lib v0.60. Several example programs. Some bugs remain, so please report any fixes/enhancements to C.K.
WIN Load .GIF with Win32Lib 17KMartin Stachon Jul 9/03   click here to update this entry
Martin modified Mike Carroll's .GIF loader so it would work well with Win32Lib-based programs. Demo included.
WIN Using A Printer With Win32Lib 3KIrv Mullins Dec 28/01   click here to update this entry
Some documentation and an include file that will help you generate printed reports with Win32Lib
WIN Win32Dib 0.5.3 73KTommy Carlier Nov 17/05 this program has happy users! 11.50 click here to update this entry
Fast bitmap manipulation (24-bit graphics) for Win32Lib applications. Requires Win32Lib 0.60. Nov 17: Fixed a bug in drawDibToDib.
WIN Help File 526KH.W. Overman Jun 18/05 this program has happy users! 10.50 click here to update this entry
A compiled HTML Help file for the complete Euphoria 2.3 documentation based on Adam Weeden's old version in the Archive. This one includes Win32Lib and lets you view the RDS web site. Dec 24: Updated for version 2.3. Includes Win32Lib and many other files
WIN All-in-One 32-bit OpenEuphoria 4.1 for beginners 23190KJean-Marc DURO May 21/15   click here to update this entry
All-in-One package with OpenEuphoria 4.1 with memstruct, win32lib and wxEuphoria. Works even on 64-bit Windows 7 or 8. Just unzip in c:\WinApps to get rid of Administrator Rights and you are able to write your first program. Update: removed euGrid and updated wxEuphoria demos.
WIN graphex.ew 814KGary Shingles Jul 24/08 this program has happy users! 1.70 click here to update this entry
A generalized double-buffered Win32Lib graphical pseudo control for implementing simple to manage line-oriented drawing in a Win32Lib application. Jul 24: No change, transfer from external host.
WIN EuVIDE 1.0.0 Setup Program 999KAndy Drummond Jun 6/07 this program has happy users! 1.00 click here to update this entry
This is an executable zipped bound version of the latest IDE for Win32Lib by Judith Evans. It is bound with the relevant version of Win32Lib to avoid problems with the library, and includes some other useful files. By default, it unzips to C:\Program Files\Euphoria, so you could add that to your path, or choose a different location.
WIN Move/Resize Borderless Windows 4KDaduko Dec 31/09   click here to update this entry
A library for moving/resizing windows that lack titlebars or borders. Updated to work with new win32lib.. Dec 31: Updated to work with new win32lib.
WIN Show Windows Desktop code 2KThomas Betterly Apr 5/09   click here to update this entry
Code to simulate the show the desktop menu item in Windows. Freeware. Contains a Win32Lib version and a version with Win32Lib dependencies removed.
WIN RGBview 239Kdon cole Jul 30/08   click here to update this entry
This is a handy color generator that he found in the old Win32Lib demos. However it did not work in the newer versions of Win32Lib. He fixed it so it does. It is a must for anyone writing programs that deal with color. If you use things like: rgb(106,44,70) or setTextColor(LText126,#7FFF7F) then you need this utility. Displays both Hex and Decimal.
WIN Ware Houser tile matching game 614KMichael Raley May 4/07   click here to update this entry
Ware Houser is a Win32Lib based strategy game where you remove horizontal, vertical or intersecting sets of bitmap tiles from a grid. You can customize the grid to various sizes, and choose to play with 3, 4, 5 or 6 tile bitmaps or choose a different tile set theme. Don't lose respect or you'll be given the pink slip. May 4: Overhauled to work in Win32lib .60+, added timed aspect to game with introduction of 'drop timer'
WIN EuVIDE 0.22.0 Setup Program 982KAndy Drummond Jan 10/07   click here to update this entry
The latest version of Judith Evans' Euphoria Win32Lib IDE (EuVIDE) version 0.22.0 setup program. This installs the complete IDE as a bound executable program so it is entirely free-standing and does not require any particular version of Win32Lib to be installed. generated by EuVIDE. If the source code is wanted that must be downloaded from SourceForge. Jan 10: EuVIDE now includes the colored button feature. This setup file now includes the coloredButtons.ew include file which the user will need to copy to his Euphoria\Include folder for use by programs with colored buttons generated by EuVIDE
WIN MakeDoc 12KDerek Parnell Dec 18/06   click here to update this entry
This tool generates HTML documentation from encoded documentation text. This is usually embedded in source file comments. This tools extracts the documenation comments and formats and indexes them into a number of HTML files. This is the tool that generates the docs for Win32lib. It does not require win32lib to run and can generate docs from any text file, not only Euphoria source code.
WIN Boggle Game 161KBrett Pantalone Jan 2/06   click here to update this entry
A Boggle-type word game using Win32lib. Jan 2: Updated to use setHandler() and the latest Win32Lib files.
WIN Appointment Calendar Demo 3KAl Getz Feb 26/05   click here to update this entry
This is a demo of an appointment calendar which sets specific dates in Windows' MonthCalendar to bold according to sequences set by the user. Requires Win32Lib to run. You can set bold days for every month, every year, or any day of any year. Tested with latest Win32Lib under XP.
GEN Bilingual Toolkit 829KIgor Kachan Sep 13/04   click here to update this entry
A toolkit, including a modified ed editor rewritten in Russian, that fully supports the use of Russian and English with the unlimited alphabet Euphoria interpreters for DOS and Windows. You can write your EU programs in Russian with just about 25 English words or in pure English, or in any mix as well. EtoC translator and binder are supported. You can switch the language of diagnostics and turn on/off syntax coloring in the current window. The syntax coloring dictionary has 11049 words for the bilingual RDS libs (included), Win32Lib v060.05 and w32engin v7.20. Sep 13: New color words for Win32Lib v060.05 added, red.exe excluded to free space for future improvements.
WIN Recipient Editor plugin 19KMichael Raley May 31/04   click here to update this entry
The recipient editor is a dialog window using a tree view structure to build, edit, load and save report distribution lists. It functions as a plugin to Win32lib apps. Tested with Win32Lib ver .59.1 May 31: bug fix.
GEN Tool Kit Routines 37KDerek Parnell May 4/04   click here to update this entry
Five library files that contain various 'generic' routines that are commonly used. These libraries used to be distributed with Win32lib but are now stand-alone and not used by win32lib any more. These are also no longer being supported by the author. tk_mem.e, tk_maths.e, tk_misc.e, tk_trim.e, types.e May 4: Better documentation. Small fix to work with Wine on Linux.
WIN Llama 123KDavid Cuny Jun 29/99 this program has happy users! 0.50 click here to update this entry
He is planning to eventually replace Win32Lib and DOS32Lib with a new, modular design based on an object-oriented approach. It will be, for the most part, upwardly-compatible with Win32Lib. His new design is more portable, and easier for others to extend. He would like you to look at his approach and give him feedback. June 29: emulated controls, graphic support, better class library
WIN Multi-Color Multi-Line Edit Control 16KMario Steele Jul 3/02   click here to update this entry
Code that creates an MLE control with Win32Lib that supports multi-colored text. It uses Chris Bensler's struct Memory Library, and Win32Lib 0.57.6. Jul 3: faster, plus some bugs were fixed
WIN Wrapped Functions for WIN32 79KChris Bensler Mar 5/02   click here to update this entry
A bunch of wrapped .dll functions that you can use with Win32Lib. He built this using his DAWG.
WIN Color Picker 62KBen Logan Apr 17/00   click here to update this entry
A utility for selecting colors using the standard Windows color dialog box. The color is converted to it's rgb value. The value is displayed on the screen and copied to the clipboard. Three formats are supported: Pov-Ray, HTML, and Win32Lib. Requires Win32Lib.ew.
WIN IDE 104 for win32lib 0.70.4 and eu 4.xx 823KChrisBurch3 Dec 22/16   click here to update this entry
Updated IDE to resolve the block labels appearing on tabs. See openeuphoria forum for more detail.
WIN EuWinGUI Library and IDE 247KAndrea Cini Oct 30/06 this program has happy users! 97.00 click here to update this entry
A GUI development system for Euphoria, similar to Win32Lib and Judith's IDE, but smaller and simpler. Oct 30: This updated version of the library features color customizable controls, a full new set of printing instructions, two new variants of list control types, improved event handling, a new open utility library, updated Window Designer, improved demos and revised documentation. It is compatible with Euphoria 3.0, 2.5 and 2.4 and uses a .dll created with the (soon to be released) 3.0.1 Translator and Open Watcom.
WIN Debugging Aid for Win32Lib 2KS.R. Williamson Feb 18/00   click here to update this entry
It creates a window that you can use to track variable values, or the current position in the program.
WIN Win32 Engine 1824KBernie Ryan May 31/11 this program has happy users! 55.00 click here to update this entry
A WIN32 library for beginners and advanced users to learn Windows API programming. Beginner & Advanced interface can be intermixed. Utility to use WIN32 resource files. Beginner interface is similar to Win32Lib ver. 50C. Fast loading speed for all versions of Euphoria including version 2.5 Jan 25: fixed bug in struct() added RCDATA function, version 10.70 ## May 31: Updated file runs on Euphoria version 4, version 3 and Virtual PC running WIN98
WIN Euphoria Database Browser 595KMatthew Lewis Aug 25/04 this program has happy users! 18.00 click here to update this entry
A utility that allows viewing, editing and creating EDS and EuSQL databases. It has user defined forms, including customizable, scriptable events. Aug 25: v1.26.5: Includes EuGrid v1.3, plus documentation on patching Win32Lib v0.60.4, properly updated edbform_ui.ew
WIN Tsunami Record Manager wrappers 293KH.W. Overman Jun 18/05 this program has happy users! 12.50 click here to update this entry
Database: Tsunami Record Manager wrappers for use with Euphoria. A Win32Lib demo is included, documentation to follow. Visit http://www.trm-ug.com for other Tsunami info. This is a very powerful, very easy to use record management tool for commercial applications. Jan 21: Smaller download and partial update to documentation
WIN M Editor 437KPete Lomax Sep 2/04 this program has happy users! 11.25 click here to update this entry
A full-featured editor written in Euphoria: Multiple documents, auto completion, automatic backups, run program, automated error processing, file and directory compare, find in files, macro, context sensitive help, routine and section list, reformat (re-indent) program to find missing end statements, detailed manual, and more. Originally inspired by Mike's meditor.zip Sep 2: fixed mousewheel crash, win32lib 0.60.0
WIN xControls 2.0.6 14KGreg Haberek Jun 17/08 this program has happy users! 5.40 click here to update this entry
This is a pre-release of his new xControls library. Only Geometry, LimitSize, HSplitter, VSplitter and FileBrowser are implemented. Jun 17: Fixed to support Win32Lib 0.70.4a
WIN Timesheet Program 30KJonas Temple Nov 2/04 this program has happy users! 6.00 click here to update this entry
A program that helps you keep track of the hours you have worked on various projects for various clients. It's a good example of using Win32Lib and an EDS database. Nov 2: Custom version of Thomas Parslow's find window routines is required, now in the .zip file.
WIN EFFM: Euphoria's Free File Manager 18KH.W. Overman Jun 18/05 this program has happy users! 5.00 click here to update this entry
A fast, nice-looking, treeview of the directories on your machine. He built it using the WIN32 API directly, without using Win32Lib. It should work on all versions of Windows. Jun 19: bug fixes and small improvements
WIN Magic Designer (toy) emulation program 1429KAndrew Katz Jul 2/09 this program has happy users! 2.00 click here to update this entry
This computer program is an exact emulation of a toy which was sold years ago called Magic Designer. It also once had the name Hoot Nanny. It is made out of metal and comes with circular paper and colored pens. Needs Win32Lib.ew version 0.70.13. Contact Akatz712 at gmail.com with any comments, suggestions, or issues with this program. Jul 2: Please look at the Euphoria source code for all of the improvements.
WIN GSL2014 35035KFred Mangan Feb 16/16   click here to update this entry
Graphic package for Eu4 + Win32Lib. Classical 2D scaled drawing. Consolidates, extends, replaces earlier package "Graphic Scaling". A PolyPic entity is now a more developed structure with optional sprite-like features available. New KeyFrame animation. Also a EuCanOop version. Scroll background pixmaps. Lots of demos + "DrawBust" vector graphic drawing program.
WIN Nexus Code Editor 167KDon Phillips Nov 9/02 this program has happy users! 7.00 click here to update this entry
A program editor with syntax highlighting, undo/redo, bookmarks, configurable toolbar and edit window, automatic alignment, and more. Needs Win32Lib 0.57.9. Nov 9: looks for pcre.dll in current directory - nothing to set up; autocompletion and many more improvements
WIN Test to Compare Euphoria and C Graphics 19KAndrew Katz Apr 28/07 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
A graphics test between Euphoria and C. This is for applications involving complicated drawing. The test involves drawing 100,000 line segments of length 2. It requires Windows XP to run because he is using DC_PEN, an optimized stock object not supported by Windows 98 and Win32Lib. His best times are 9.68, 0.52, 0.86, 1.86, 1.33, 0.68, 0.56.
WIN MyDiary 1735KFred Mangan Nov 26/15   click here to update this entry
Happy Christmas, Euphorians! This is a nice program for your diary needs in the New Year; Euphoria-4 + Win32Lib + EDS. Features a full Church Calendar displayed for each day and a perpetual editable Anniversaries list to remind you of fixed events in your year. Supports as many diaries as you like so you can keep and reload the diary for last year and the year before that. Only one diary allowed per year. Two styles of diary, business and private. Program is bound. no source code supplied. (December 2015).
WIN System Tray Icons 6KThomas Parslow (PatRat) Apr 10/03 this program has happy users! 6.00 click here to update this entry
An include file for managing system tray (taskbar notification area) icons. Apr 10: now uses setHandler instead of onEvent. This should make it more compatible with future versions of Win32Lib. Suggested by Greg Haberek.
WIN winlibSimple 4KJean-Marc DURO May 26/15   click here to update this entry
First draft of the second library which aim is to standardize function names and syntax on top of major GUIs. This one is for win32lib. Property names may change in the next releases.
WIN Duplicate File Finder 634KDoug Weinert Nov 14/03 this program has happy users! 5.00 click here to update this entry
A duplicate file finder with a nice Win32Lib-based GUI. You can find files with similar names or contents. See also Find Duplicate Files by RDS and Forno. Nov 14: Fixed 2 bugs.
GEN Euphoria Syntax-File for TextPad 10KTommy Carlier Nov 24/04 this program has happy users! 4.00 click here to update this entry
Syntax-file for TextPad. It has all the keywords of Euphoria 2.5 alpha, EDS and Win32Lib 0.60.6, divided in 6 categories. Each category can be assigned a different color. Nov 24: Added the word 'crash_routine' from Euphoria 2.5 alpha.
WIN EuSudoku 314KErik-Jan van Kampen Mar 31/06 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
A number placing game that has become very popular lately. Requires Win32Lib (0.60.5 or higher) and a mousewheel. Mar 31: Version 2.1: Added new grid input method, saving of small numbers and new small numbers hints option.
WIN Enhanced IDE 1971KCharles Newbould Apr 22/14   click here to update this entry
Integrated Development Environment for writing Windows (GUI) programs using Euphoria and the Win32lib library, on a machine using Microsoft Windows. This is a revised version (1.0.6) correcting several known errors and improving layout features for later versions of Windows. Now enables the design solution to be tested using different versions of Euphoria, if installed. Problems with eudir environmental variable have been addressed. The executable version is included in the distribution for speedy loading. Apr 22: Minor update to include flist.ew (needed for a new installation when using ide.exw rather than ide.exe).
GEN Bilingual Euphoria 2.5 821KIgor Kachan, Robert Craig Jun 15/05 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
Bilingual (English & Russian) Euphoria 2.5 Interpreters and set of the standard RDS libraries. Manual of EU 2.5 in Russian. Allows you to write Euphoria programs as 100% English or as 100% Russian or as any mix of two languages. The E2C Translator, Binder and translation to 100% standard Euphoria are supported. Interpreter has unlimited alphabet for the names. Jun 15: Added the exw_r.exe interpreter, support for translation from English to Russian. Tested with Russian versions of Win32Lib.ew and IDE.exw. Known bugs fixed. Beta version.
WIN Window Animation 1KLogan Kodysz May 29/06 this program has happy users! 2.00 click here to update this entry
Demonstrates the use of the AnimateWindow() routine. It uses a fade effect as the window opens. For people that want a cool intro to their applications. Win32Lib and Windows 98 or later are required for the demo.
WIN Rotmg 13.2 Game Client 775Kgaz May 9/13   click here to update this entry
This a Client for http://www.realmofthemadgod.com/ This code is the bare essentials required to make a client/proxy for rotmg, it uses RC4, RSA public key, base64 encryption, sockets, Euphoria v3.1.1, Win32lib v0.70.20, required, source code included
WIN Restart Library 161KCoJaBo Sep 20/04 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
Restarts a program using the command line parameters it was started with. Based on an idea from William Heimbigner. Includes bound example. Requires Win32Lib (not included). Sep 20: Updated URL again.
WIN Permutations 962KFred Ransom Apr 10/13   click here to update this entry
Permutations: This presents a Permutations namespace for n items taken m (<= n) at a time. It creates and delivers one permutation with each call to Permutations:next(). It also keeps track of parity, thus making it useful for some things in linear algebra. Determinants, matrix inverse and solving simultaneous equations are illustrated. All routines were chosen to illustrate use of permutations rather than speed. Although the field of real numbers was assumed here, these routines will work for any field, such as complex numbers or the integers mod 7 when you define appropriate arithmetic operations. EU 4, Judith's IDE and Win32Lib. Permutations.e is general.
WIN SpinBall & SpinDisc 14KTommy Carlier Aug 7/04 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
SpinBall is an EuControl that can be used to manipulate 2 angles. SpinDisc is an EuControl that can be used to manipulate 1 angle. Needs EuControls (included) and Win32Lib (not included). Aug 7: Fixed some bugs (thanks to C.K. Lester).
WIN System_wait 2KPete Lomax Jul 15/04 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
An alternative to system_exec(). Originally by Juergen Luethje, modified to suspend for 40ms (1/25th of a second) while waiting for the child process to complete, and also to work with/without Win32Lib.
WIN E-Mail Client 416KJordah Ferguson Apr 12/02 this program has happy users! 4.50 click here to update this entry
An impressive full-featured e-mail client. He hopes to get feedback so he can improve it. It uses Win32Lib, EDS, and RC4 data encryption. Apr 12: major new release - many new features, supports MIME standards, can send/receive any kind of attachment, and much more
WIN Keyboard 1250KFred Ransom Nov 30/12   click here to update this entry
I wrote this little program for my father who is in his 90s. He types Dvorak and needed something he could use at the library without affecting the rest of the system. Written in Eu 4.1 with win32lib and Judith's IDE, it illustrates the use of the event loop and structures to make the task simple, pretty, and readable.
WIN My Personal Piggy Bank 1KAndy P. Oct 8/12   click here to update this entry
A small program that simulates a piggy bank. Keeps track of your total amount. Uses the Win32Lib. Only features U.S. currency at this time. Includes source and exe files. Oct 8: New host
WIN EuControls 1.0.2 8KTommy Carlier Aug 7/04 this program has happy users! 2.50 click here to update this entry
EuControls is a framework on top of Win32Lib that allows you to easily create custom control classes. Aug 7: Fixed some bugs, added method-functionality, private properties.
WIN Mixed Fractions 936KFred Ransom Apr 15/12   click here to update this entry
With mixed fractions you can represent 2 and 1/3 exactly. This little program fractions and the arithmetic operations that go with them. A piece of the code, although translated into Euphoria, is more than 2600 years old. EU 4 along with Win32lib and Judith's IDE. The program has not been thoroughly checked, so have fun.
WIN Scratch a File 162KCarlos Valdes Aug 16/03 this program has happy users! 3.00 click here to update this entry
A program that builds on Doug Weinert's Recycle (below). It also demonstrates the use of Euphoria's namespace feature in utilizing both Win32Lib and EuWinGui in the same program.
WIN W32GraphicScaling 46KFred Mangan Mar 24/12   click here to update this entry
A porting to Win32Lib of a well-tested package for scaled graphical vector-drawing. All drawing is done via Euphoria polyline sequences your application sets up. Their drawing is via mapping from virtual "real world" window(s) to as many viewport(s) (pixmaps) as you like. Can be used for simple animations, etc. Mar 24: fixed bad bug.
WIN TankHunter 1233KIra Hill Dec 26/11   click here to update this entry
This is an automated program for playing the classic online game Tank Hunter. It is written in Eu 4 and requires Win32Dib and Win32Lib to take screen shots for decision making; source and binary files are provided.
DOS Freedom GUI for FreeDOS 1015KTom Janes Dec 27/11   click here to update this entry
This was the start of a windowing GUI for FreeDOS. Allows the creation of programs by using an API system like Windows or GNOME. Does not require a wrapper like Win32lib. Unlike a wrapper, DOS_API is the OS, and user programs are created using it directly. It needs many new objects installed which most Euphoria programmers can do on their own. Currently, it can produce windows, allow free movement on the screen, window contract and expand, popup menus, and static text, background images, etc. It would be a great GUI for a great OS that now handles LBA hard drives, FreeDOS. Contact portals@verizon.net for help if you need it.
WIN LayoutPanels 1.0.1 22KTommy Carlier Aug 7/04 this program has happy users! 2.00 click here to update this entry
LayoutPanels are panels (using the EuControls-library) that take care of the layout (= position + size) of its child-controls. Needs EuControls 1.0.2 (included) and Win32Lib 0.60 (not included). Aug 7: Changed to work with EuControls 1.0.2.
WIN DemoTester 344KGary Shingles Sep 25/07 this program has happy users! 0.60 click here to update this entry
Testing system developed primarily for Win32Lib demo testing. Could be used for other forms of automated testing (execution success, ex.err recording, note taking). Sep 25: Documentation added, readme.txt
WIN 9-digit-problem 938KFred Ransom Apr 4/11   click here to update this entry
This little program solves the problem of finding products such that the digits 1 through 9 occur once and only once on each side of the equation. For example: 7143*25689 = 183496527. It also supplies a permutations namespace file. It introduces use of object oriented programming in Euphoria. It uses win32lib, EU 4 and Judith's IDE.
WIN WinPrint 108KRod Damon Jan 11/06 this program has happy users! 1.00 click here to update this entry
Two include files for printing to a printer that can be used with non-Win32Lib programs. Demo programs require w32engin by Bernie Ryan to be downloaded for 1(one) of the demos to be run. All other demos may be run from the included files in the zip. Jan 11: Now works on XP & WIN 2000 thanks to Larry Miller.


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